We are delighted to announce that we have been given a silver award in recognition of the excellent music provision here at Ellison Primary Academy.
‘Excellence in Music Provision Awards’ are available to all schools in Staffordshire, Stoke-on-Trent and Telford are endorsed by the Music Education Hub and Music Mark, the National Association for Music Education. They recognise that the school meets a number of criteria:
Music is taught regularly in school
There is commitment to a Live Music Visit, Workshop or Continued CPD through your SLA or, for example, to a hub partner such as Charanga, Sing Up, Make Some Noise or Music Share
The school engages with the local Music Education Hub
There is a school policy for music
There is a contemporary scheme of work for music in place
National Curriculum Music (or a broad and balanced music
curriculum in academies and free schools) regularly to all pupils across the key stages
There is a subject leader who is responsible for music in the school
Regular singing features in music lessons
Instrumental teaching and learning is available to pupils in some form
There is a commitment to providing CPD opportunities
Music features in the school improvement plan
Teaching makes use of the latest digital support technology i.e. Charanga, Sing Up etc
Music features in reports to governors
Senior leaders routinely monitor the quality of music teaching and learning
Regular instrumental/vocal lessons open to all pupils as whole class and/or in small groups and which offer progression to higher standards of achievement
Opportunities for extracurricular ensembles and choirs are made available
Performance opportunities are made available both in and out of school
The school shows ambition for improvement; it identifies resources to enable all children to develop and progress musically and articulates targets for them to achieve good musical standards.