
Developing a caring family of creative, critical and collaborative learners.


Please find our class homework menu for Summer II with all the links. :)

Please find our class homework menu for Summer I with all the links. :)

Homework Menu Year 3 Spring 2023

Please find our Year 3CL Autumn Term II Homework menu with links :)

Please find the words and music to our songs for our STEM assembly for you to use to practice :)

Please find our Curriculum Presentation for Year 3 :)

Our Homework Menu for Year 3CL with links. :)

Welcome to Year 3CL


This Autumn Term we have a lot of exciting learning taking place. 

This Autumn, 3CL will be studying Roald Dahl's 'Fantastic Mr Fox' exploring adjectives, similes and alliteration and we will be learning about 2A sentences, simile sentences, What + ! sentences and if,if,if then sentences from the Ellison Sentence Menu. 


Our Mathematics lessons will focus on Place Value and Number, whilst our Math Blasts will focus on recapping the x2, x5 and x10 tables from last year before beginning to learn the x3, x4 and x8 tables.


In Science, we will conduct several experiments to explore our unit of 'Rocks, Soils and Fossils'.


Through our curriculum focus on 'The Stone Age to the Iron Age' we will investigate how we know so much about this vast period in history through our concepts of 'Duration' and 'Evidence'. We will also explore how early humans impacted upon our world by locating their movements across continents and different countries through our Geography concepts of 'Place' and 'Human and Physical Processes'.


Year 3 S.T.E.M Assembly!

3L: The Leaping Lizards Class 2021/2022

Summer 1 (Current) Homework Menu

Spring 2 (Previous) Homework Menu

Spring 1 (Previous) Homework Menu

Autumn 2 (Previous) Homework Menu

Autumn 1 (Previous) Homework Menu 

Parents Curriculum Evening Information PowerPoint: 

[Archive] 3L: The Leaping Lizards Class 2020/2021

Summer 1 Homework Menu

Spring 2 Homework Menu

Time4Sport Home Learning Activity Pack

Year 3 S.T.E.M assembly:

(You will need to download the PowerPoints to view them)

Welcome to the Leaping Lizards' class page!




This Autumn, 3L will be studying Roald Dahl's 'Fantastic Mr Fox' exploring adjectives, similes and alliteration and we will be learning about 2A sentences, simile sentences, What + ! sentences and if,if,if then sentences from the Ellison Sentence Menu. We will also be studying several poems including Please Mrs Butler, The Magic Box and Fossils and my brother. 


Our Mathematics lessons will focus on Place Value and Number whilst our Math Blasts will focus on recapping the x2, x5 and x10 tables from last year before beginning to learn the x3, x4 and x8 tables.


In Science, we will conduct several experiments to explore our unit of 'Rocks, Soils and Fossils'.


Through our curriculum focus on 'The Stone Age to the Iron Age' we will investigate how we know so much about this vast period in history through our concepts of 'Duration' and 'Evidence'. We will also explore how early humans impacted upon our world by locating their movements across continents and different countries through our Geography concepts of 'Place' and 'Human and Physical Processes'.



We investigated and sorted various rocks based on their properties. 

We tested the permeability of different rocks to see which would be the most suitable to create a Stone Age house with. 

We used Starbursts to recreate the rock cycle showing how an igneous rock can become a sedimentary rock before changing into a metamorphic rock. The children particularly enjoyed this lesson and were able to use key vocabulary to describe the rock cycle. Ask your child to describe what they did and what they were learning during this exciting lesson!


During Design and Technology day, we designed, created and evaluated our own pneumatic toys using the design criteria we chose as a class.

Stone Age Day 2020!

During Stone Age Day we continued our S.T.E.M learning by 'hunting' for materials to design and create our own Stone Age houses.

Remote/Home Learning for 3L beginning 12.11.20.

Science Stories with Mr Lambert

Mr Lambert reads a story all about a magic stone.
