
Developing a caring family of creative, critical and collaborative learners.


Please find our class homework menu for Summer II with all the links. :)

Please find our class homework menu for Summer I with all the links. :)

Homework Menu Year 3 Spring 2 2023

Homework Menu Year 3 Spring 2023

Please find our Year 3H Autumn Term II Homework menu with links :)

Please find the words and music to our songs for our STEM assembly for you to use to practice :)

Please find our Curriculum Presentation for Year 3 :)

Year 3H Autumn Term I Homework menu with links :)

Welcome to Year 3H !


This Autumn Term we have a lot of exciting learning taking place. 

This Autumn, 3H will be studying Roald Dahl's 'Fantastic Mr Fox' exploring adjectives, similes and alliteration and we will be learning about 2A sentences, simile sentences, What + ! sentences and if,if,if then sentences from the Ellison Sentence Menu. 


Our Mathematics lessons will focus on Place Value and Number, whilst our Math Blasts will focus on recapping the x2, x5 and x10 tables from last year before beginning to learn the x3, x4 and x8 tables.


In Science, we will conduct several experiments to explore our unit of 'Rocks, Soils and Fossils'.


Through our curriculum focus on 'The Stone Age to the Iron Age' we will investigate how we know so much about this vast period in history through our concepts of 'Duration' and 'Evidence'. We will also explore how early humans impacted upon our world by locating their movements across continents and different countries through our Geography concepts of 'Place' and 'Human and Physical Processes'.

YEAR 3 - Mr Sterio

Welcome to Year 3  2021-2022

In Year 3 we have lots of exciting learning to explore and to share with you.

Please come and visit our page for all of our super learning! 

Parents Curriculum Information

Year 3 S.T.E.M assembly. 

Summer 1 (Current) Homework Menu

Spring 2 (Previous) Homework Menu

Spring 1 (Previous) Homework Menu

Autumn 2 (Previous) Homework Menu

Autumn 1 (Previous) Homework Menu

Archived class information from 2020-21.

Welcome to 3D's page! This Autumn we will be studying Roald Dahl's 'Fantastic Mr Fox' and looking at the concepts of 'Duration' and 'Evidence' through our curriculum focus on 'The Stone Age'   and in Science we will be learning about 'Fossils, Rocks and Soils'.

Home learning for 19.7.21 & 20.7.21

Science Stories with Mrs Dawson

Mrs Dawson tells you all about Mighty Magnets.

Parents Curriculum Information

Spring 2 Homework Menu

Summer 1 Homework Menu

Year 3 S.T.E.M Assembly:

(You must download the PowerPoints to view them)
