
Developing a caring family of creative, critical and collaborative learners.

Class 4H

The Daily Mile!

Learning all about The Water Cycle

Mummification of an Orange

Discovering teachings of the Bible

Our Autumn Superb Swimmers

Hello everybody, welcome to 4H’s class page where we will be working together to update you on some of the fantastic learning and opportunities throughout the year. We have had a fantastic start to the academic year, we have been creating and performing poetry as well as looking at our class text; Wind in The Willows. We shall have the opportunity to visit the New Vic Theatre at the end of this term to see the story of the Prince and the Pauper!


In Maths we have been developing our knowledge of place value, addition and subtraction and have included the concept of numbers up to 10,000. Our topics this year have taken us from Wolstanton (our local area) all the way to Ancient Egypt. Looking at ‘Why are the Ancient Egyptians so inspiring to us?’ The children have loved the topic so far and have had the opportunity to be embalmers by performing the mummification process on an orange. Please visit back to see the exciting learning happening in our class!

